Different plates to use in an illuminated dress by LEDS

My project consist of implementing a sort of LEDs to a dress to make it shine in an spacific way. Depending on the temperature of the body of the "model", which is captured by a thermistor, it changes itts rithm.

For this project, I need to implement an Arduino plate into the back of a dress. This mentioned plate cannot be neither heavy or big. It cannot be seen and it must be something comfy to wear.

I have been searching for a while but I can't decide between two options. First, MicroArduino. I've seen different plates, and it seems right to me considering its size. But while I was on internet I found a Nano plate, which is even more small than the Micro one.

I reckon it doesn't really matter but I would like some advice to be able to see contrasting points of view.

The code is actually not compleated, but there are only a few thing missing. If needed, please, ask whatever you need to give guiadence to me.

Thank you all!


What type of LEDs are you considering?
How many?
Power source ?

How many pins do you need, not counting Vcc, ground and reset?

Would you consider making a wire-mesh bodice (dramatic music optional):

Wire (Select: 32 AWG - Enameled Magnet Winding Wire - 2) US$9 (not $26.54):

WS2812 5050 programmable RGBLEDs:

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I am considering regular LEDS
like this one above. There will be, more or less, like 35 of them. But they will be connected throw two different pins.
Their power source is, idividually, a stakabout 3V.

It is not exactly what I am looking for, but thank you a lot, it is such a usefull idea!

I need three different pins. Two of them are connected to leds, and the third is used to connect a thermistor.

I've made several eTextile demonstrations before (see chromorphous.com), and figuring out how to mount a battery and controller is always a challenge. My best advice is don't worry too much about the exact size of the board, but rather focus on where in the garment you are going to place it. There are several small microcontrollers out there, but to make a finished dress you are probably going to have to build a box or some type of enclosure that holds the Arduino and the battery.

I have had several experiences where I could afford to choose a larger Arduino board, if I wanted to, because the size and shape of the box was already big due to the size of the battery pack. As you can see from the attached picture, even a standard 18650 battery is larger than an Arduino Nano.

Regardless of which board you choose, try to figure out a good spot on the dress to hide a box, put the Arduino and the battery in the box, and have wires exit the box and go to different points on the dress for the LEDs and the thermistor. Some good starting points for a location for the box include the bottom hem of the dress, an inner pocket sewn in to the back, or a feature like a large bow that can conceal the box.

Hope this helps!

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This is what you are looking at for coding 16 LEDs... add two more 74595 and some more coding.

Is LilyPad still a thing? It was specifically designed for wearables and e-textiles. I think I even saw people sewing circuits together.

Thank you for your advice!

That is so so helpful! Thank you!

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On two pins. So do you mean that all the LEDs on one pin will be doing one exact thing, and all the LEDs on the other do another thing?

You may want to consider smart LEDs, where one string could handle a great number of LEDs, and each could be programmed on its own to be whatever color and intensity.

This would allow some animation effects.

I suggest that whatever LED you choose that you test it as it is meant to be used. Same clothing and voltage and current and ambient light conditions. LEDs come in lotsa styles. The one you picture may be unsatisfactory, as it does not look like it has a diffusing package…

Have you tried the temperature sensing mechanism and tested code, just to see the sensor working, and what kind of usable signal you will get when it is in the final deployment circumstances?

Sometimes things that sound simple like "react to changes in body temp" kinda thing don't work out to be so easy beyond the concept.


The LilyPad also has a small device called the Jewel... individual LEDs, "sewing ready."

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