Hi all,
I'm new to networking, and I have a pretty noob question about the example sketches for ArduinoBLE.
My end goal is to use 1 peripheral Arduino Nano 33 BLE, and about 20-25 central Arduino Nano 33 BLE units. The centrals are robots, and the peripheral will know all of their x,y coordinates. I want the centrals to be able to periodically check in with the peripheral (once or twice a second) to find out where they are located.
To start this project, and to start learning how to network, I've got two Nano 33 BLE's working. I've downloaded the:
Examples > ArduinoBLE > Central > LedControl sketch to one board, and the
Examples > ArduinoBLE > Central > LED sketch to the second board.
My presumption here is that these two programs are meant to work together, like a client and a server. Is this assumption correct?
At any given time during testing, both are powered, only one is connected to a computer so that I can look at the Serial Monitor.
When I have the peripheral hooked up to the computer, the Serial Monitor prints:
12:12:31.590 -> BLE LED Peripheral
When I have the central hooked up to the computer, it prints:
12:13:33.644 -> BLE Central - LED control
But nothing else happens (it doesn't report "Connected to central: " or "Connecting ..."), and when I press the button on pin 2 on the central Arduino the peripheral Arduino's LED doesn't go on.
I'm not sure what I'm missing here, and being so new to this area, I don't know where to being troubleshooting. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much.