Digi_pt_pt problem in powershell

Hello I have my library in PT-PT (digi_pt_pt) and I get "hgo]jk`]dd" instead of "powershell" with default values & sketch.
Any clues?

Are you using Powershell to communicate between a PC and an Arduino or what are you doing ?
Include the source code which is not functioning as expected in any answer.

I recently started using Arduino and I still don't understand much. Sorry but I don't understand what you mean...

You have not explained the problem clearly enough. Start by reading this, if you have not already done so: How to get the best out of this forum

Which Arduino board are you using ?
Post your sketch in this thread.

I use "DigiKeyboardPtBr" and I want to switch to "digi_pt_pt". The "DigiKeyboardPtBr" is the keyboard of Brazil and the "digi_pt_pt" is the keyboard of Portugal. When I program to write "powershell" it writes "hgo]jk`]dd".

Im using the digi_pt_pt board.

digi_pt_pt.h (3.5 KB)

So it appears you are using an Arduino, the type you have not said, to run a sketch which you have not posted, which appears to have the function of emulating a PC (personal computer) keyboard.
It appears also that the keyboard translation is not functioning as you would like. Is that all more or less correct ?

It might be that. I saw a post on github that is able to help but it was posted years ago and I don't understand anything. Can you help? It's the second comment: Not working? · Issue #5 · ernesto-xload/DigisparkKeyboard · GitHub

The table is defined as expected in digi_es_es.h and digi_tr_tr.h, but not in the other layout files where it starts with ASCII code 0.

Consequently, if you use a keyboard layout other than es_es or tr_tr, deleting or commenting out the first eight items (with a 0x00 value) of the ascii_to_scan_code_table in the file digi_[your_layout_id].h should do the trick.

What part of this do you not understand:
"delete or comment out the first eight items of the ascii_to_scan_code_table in the file digi_[your_layout_id].h"

@mfernandess, stop cross-posting.

What I don't understand is: where are these eight items of the ascii_to_scan_code_table in the file digi_[your_layout_id].h

"the first eight items"

Where? Really Im having troubles

"the first eight items of the ascii_to_scan_code_table"

And where are the first eight items of the ascii_to_scan_code_table in my printscreen?

Near the middle.

This items?


Still not working... I deleted the 8 item

If you got the same result it may be that the file you changed is part of the core which is pre-compiled. Try selecting a different board and switching back to the correct board. That might be enough to force a re-compile of the core files.

That is, do I have to create a new file on the Arduino and insert the board and delete the 8 files?