DigiSpark with 2 rotary encoders?


I´m using Arduino Uno and one DigiSpark Attiny85 to build a usb joystick for a boatsimulatorgame (speed and turning).

Can one DigiSpark handle 2 rotary encoders? Or do i need one for speed and one for turning?

I have no experince at all :slight_smile: this is my first atempt to learn programming.

Regards steel

Please post the technical manual for that encoder.

What does the game expect? Can it handle serial data or does it expect a HID?

If it can handle serial data you do not need the Digispark and just use the Uno.

Else, how are you planning to use both boards?

The Uno can handle the encoders and send that data to the DigiSpark (I have no experience with it). The Digispark can forward that to the PC.

However, if it was my project, I would use a SparkFun Pro Micro or an Arduino Leonardo or an Arduino Micro if HID functionality is needed.

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so this was my idea

I need two controllers one for each boatengine. that can turn 360 deg for turning and at least 180 deg for speed, 90 deg forward and 90 deg backwards. I would like to only have a direct connect to the PC with USB (no arduino uno).

I think the sim.software can map with contected usb devices.

is it fine to share a link?

20 rotations are not enough, I will have to find another one

If You intend to skip any controller and wire them to the Pc, this is not a question for me..