Digital Loggers PLC programming help needed

Does anyone have a simple example of a touch screen button program for Digital Loggers PLC. I have no clue as how to get a arduino TFT example program to run on the PLC without several compiler errors. I have extensive programming experience in basic, but this programming is very confusing to me. Thanks

post your code together with details of the errors you get and an outline of the project requirements

The sketch is the adafruit tft onoffbutton. It compiles as I expect but when uploaded to the PLC it does nothing. Just blank screen with a few clicks from the speaker. What I do not understand is what is needed to convert the standard tft commands to make them work on this PLC. I could have programmed 10 basic language PLC's in the time I have tried to display a touch button on this PLC. Sorry for the rant but I am at a loss!

Ask Digital Loggers. If they can't help you, there's not much chance that anyone here can.


have to tried the pld_tftdraw example in the library

the tft_draw example does work, but where I am lost is what is the explanation as to why won't the adafruit tft onoffbutton sketch work on the PLC. What programming is necessary to accomplish that?

The Adafruit example probably uses different pins for the LCD than the Digital Logger PLC.

You would have to convert Adafruit's example so that it refers to the correct pins.


it could be that the adafruit tft library is not set up to drive the hardware of the Digital Loggers PLC tft
it may be something as simple as the SS (slave select) SPI line being different or total different tft hardware
compare the hardware specifications of the two devices
look at the code of tft_draw and compare it with the adafruit tft code

I have looked at code for days already. They have a demo program that is impressive, but I can't even figure out where the code is for drawing a button on the display or for using the touch functions. Is there a standard set of commands to draw things or to detect the touch screen data? Very frustrating!

pld_tftdraw looks simple - in loop() it reads the toutch position and draws a line too it
there is example code driving the relays, EEPROM, clock, etc
what do you wish to do ? cannot you take code from some of the pld examples?