Dim LEDs in IF/ELSE but not in IF ***SOLVED***

Coming back from a while away from Arduino so I seem to have gotten rusty.

I'm using these IR sensors to turn on an an LED. 1 sensor to 1 LED. When using this first set of code, the LED comes on at full brightness, obviously it stays on as there's no code to turn off.

 int rSensor = A0;
int gSensor = A1;
int wSensor = A2;
int rLed = 9;
int gLed = 8;
int wLed = 10;

void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);  
pinMode (rLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode (gLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode (wLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode (rSensor, INPUT);
pinMode (gSensor, INPUT);
pinMode (wSensor, INPUT);

void loop() {

int rSensor = analogRead(A0);
int gSensor = analogRead(A1);
int wSensor = analogRead(A2);

if (rSensor < 200){
  digitalWrite(rLed, HIGH);

if (gSensor < 200){
  digitalWrite(gLed, HIGH);

 if (wSensor < 200){
  digitalWrite(wLed, HIGH);

But when i use an ELSE function to turn the light back off when the sensor stops sending a signal, the LEDs only come on very faintly.

int rSensor = A0;
int gSensor = A1;
int wSensor = A2;
int rLed = 9;
int gLed = 8;
int wLed = 10;

void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);  
pinMode (rLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode (gLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode (wLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode (rSensor, INPUT);
pinMode (gSensor, INPUT);
pinMode (wSensor, INPUT);

void loop() {

int rSensor = analogRead(A0);
int gSensor = analogRead(A1);
int wSensor = analogRead(A2);

if (rSensor < 200){
  digitalWrite(rLed, HIGH);
else (rSensor > 300);
  digitalWrite(rLed, LOW);
if (gSensor < 200){
  digitalWrite(gLed, HIGH);
else (gSensor > 300);
  digitalWrite(gLed, LOW);
 if (wSensor < 200){
  digitalWrite(wLed, HIGH);
else (wSensor > 300);
  digitalWrite(wLed, LOW);

The LEDs are each wired 5v in, out to a 330 ohm resistor, and then to GND. I'm just struggling to see why the use of the ELSE function makes them only light up very dimly.


One thing that I would do is not to have a global variable named rSensor which is a pin number with a value of A0 (ie 14) and a local variable of the same name that is the value read from that pin.

When you write

 if (rSensor < 200)

which of the two variables with the same name is it testing ?

As to your problem

  if (rSensor < 200)
    digitalWrite(rLed, HIGH);
  else (rSensor > 300);  //shouldn't this be else if ?
    digitalWrite(rLed, LOW);

See my comment in the code above

You forgot to use Auto Format on your code. What the compiler sees is:

  if (rSensor < 200)
    digitalWrite(rLed, HIGH);
    (rSensor > 300);  // This line does nothing but is a legal expression statement.

  // This block is NOT inside the 'else' clause so it is unconditional
    digitalWrite(rLed, LOW);

Your LED is always getting turned off, even is it was just turned on. That is why it is dim.

One thing that I would do is not to have a global variable named rSensor which is a pin number with a value of A0 (ie 14) and a local variable of the same name that is the value read from that pin.

When you write

 if (rSensor < 200)

which of the two variables with the same name is it testing ?

Yes I've altered the code to have separate variables, thank you. It's taking me a while to get back into the swing of things!

You forgot to use Auto Format on your code.
Your LED is always getting turned off, even is it was just turned on. That is why it is dim.

Oh thank you! I assumed it was someting in my code turning it on and off but I couldn't see where i went wrong.

Now onto trying to figure out how to fade an LED from inside an if function. So many things to learn!!!