Hi I have stumbled across a problem and generally know what I am looking at but there is a little caveat.
Looking at the picture a positive or negative DC 6V current can flow from A to B or it can be reversed - but I need the output to always be positive.
I have seen that a rectifier can do this, but all that I look at have 4 legs - 2 of them being AC inputs.
Could some electronic expert put me on the right track please?
PS I would like it in a chip/ic rather that built using diodes as space is at a premium.
Use a 4-pin Bridge Rectifier. Hook A and B to the AC inputs. Hook the + output to your output. Hook the - output to Ground.
Thanks for the reply.
OK, I have just found something that is functionally exactly the same as what I am trying to do. Please see the picture:
On the original circuit the polarity of the bulb can be negative or positive (depending on which indicator is used), when converting to LED the polarity needs to be the same.
Question: What is in the black box that says "indicator tweak kit". Are they just using a 4 pin rectifier and ignoring the (-) output ?
thanks again
I have used 2 diodes instead of an bridge. You can use 1N4004 or 1N4007
A 1N4004 cost 11 cent at DigiKey
Nice - | like that, simple and to the point.
thank you.
Since LEDs act as diodes another way to do it is to replace the indicator bulb with two LEDs in parallel but opposite orientation. One will blink for the Left signal and the other for the Right signal.