What do I order and from where?
My search on diode selection turned up a lot of discussions on projects with vastly different requirements.
So, I want to try reading in multiple RC receiver channels on one pin.
I saw somewhere that using diodes, I can take the odd number channels and put then on one pin and read the pulse duration, and the gaps between pulse being the duration of the even channels.
What diodes should I get for this?
I must say that I do not even know what characteristics describe diodes.
I went to Digikey and searched on diode and there were a zillion hits.
This is a simple diagram of what I am thinking.
So, any recommendations on diodes and I guess the resistor would be helpful.
That is a super non-critical diode application. Nearly any silicon diode would work. A 1N4001 should be easy to find although one certainly doesn't require the 1 amp rating they come with, but they are useful to have around. A 10k ohm resistor should work fine also.