Direct access from Linux to the serial port


I'm, fairly, new to Arduino, so forgive what may be a trivial question.

I want to inhibit the bridge and connect to the serial port of the Atmel directly.

e.g. use minicom or kermit.

I have tries a simple sketch which prints "Hello" every second, and connecting to /dev/ttyATH0 at the correct baud rate but I get nothing.

Any tips/help much appreciated.


Is the sketch writing to Serial1?

Do you have anything connected to D0 or D1 that might be interfering?

With a scope, meter, or LED, can you see any data activity on D0 or D1?

Have you disabled the Linux login prompt on /dev/ttyATH0?

It was the last of your suggestions that proved to be the one.

D'oh :slight_smile:
