Direct port read/manipulation with Portenta H7

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if the Portenta H7 supports reading the digital bits values from an entire port and possibly the syntax / port names to use.

In-depth explanation: I am trying to sample data from an AD7616 ADC as fast as I can and I am using the Portenta due to the high clock speed. Currently I can make it work with SPI but the ADC also supports reading an entire 16bits in parallel mode. However I found that performing 16 consequent DIGITALREAD instructions does not speed up the read by much. Apparently direct port manipulation is supposed to be faster so I am looking to do something like this:


Does anyone know if this is possible on H7 and where to find the proper port-to-pin mapping? I confess I find the STM32H747XI 252-pages datasheet quite intimidating...

Thank you in advance!

definitely yes

see board pinout. But you will need the correct registers name, see GPIO registers section 12.4 in reference manual

The reference manual is 3500+ pages long. But you don't have to read everything, use the index

Your question - I would break it down into two other questions:
a) are the GPIO input bits grouped into a 32bit wide register? - NO!
b) can I do "bit-banging" on GPIO inputs? - NO!

Each GPIO input pin is a bit in a different register. You can only read ONE input bit at a time.
There is not a way to read N bits at the same time.
You had to iterate over all the GPIO input read registers and collect the bits by yourself.

"bit-banging: The ARM instruction set has some (assembly code) instructions to manipulate a single bit. But this works only on a memory which supports also "bit manipulation".
Some MCUs have a "bing-bang" memory, many not. And I am sure: the MCU used in Portenta H7 does NOT have "bit-banging".
(and it would never work on GPIO pins, for the MCU used in Portenta H7).

You had to read all inputs as One-Bit-At-A-Time. No way to read more then ONE bit at the same time. The same for Output: you can set just one bit at a time.
And: "Read-Modify-Write" for a single bit does NOT work, because: the input bit and the output bit are on different registers (it needs separate instructions to "read-modify-write").

I have attached here my "GPIO_user" files:
You can see: I had to use a loop in order to collect all the GPIO bit values into a single 32bit value (for later use).
And bit manipulation (later) needs your code with AND, OR, EXOR, NEG etc. with masks (no "bit-banging" available).

GPIO_user.c (6.8 KB)
GPIO_user.h (1.4 KB)

You will see also the "port-to-pin" mapping which is actually to address the port, e.g. GPIOE and select the pin, e.g. GPIO_PIN_10. This is related to the pin in datasheet, schematics, e.g. as PE10.

from a 'real-time-perspective': you can never read several pins at the same time, you can never set several output pins - IN PARALLEL (at the same time)!
Every input pin and every output pin is handled separately. Even just "mirroring" (copy) an input to an output pin needs N instructions (because they are on different registers and even on different register bits).