'directionn' cannot be used as a function, 2 dc motor wheeled moving ultrasonic sensor car

Hi, I'm trying to make sure my code from my kit is correct and I got this'

/Users/Manu/Desktop/ultrasonic_sensor_bot/ultrasonic_sensor_bot/ultrasonic_sensor_bot.ino: In function 'void loop()':
ultrasonic_sensor_bot:161:26: error: 'directionn' cannot be used as a function
if (directionn(directionn) = 2(backward)
ultrasonic_sensor_bot:161:32: error: 'backward' was not declared in this scope
if (directionn(directionn) = 2(backward)
/Users/Manu/Desktop/ultrasonic_sensor_bot/ultrasonic_sensor_bot/ultrasonic_sensor_bot.ino:161:32: note: suggested alternative: 'back'
if (directionn(directionn) = 2(backward)
ultrasonic_sensor_bot:161:40: error: expression cannot be used as a function
if (directionn(directionn) = 2(backward)
ultrasonic_sensor_bot:162:1: error: expected ')' before '{' token
ultrasonic_sensor_bot:190:1: error: expected primary-expression before '}' token
/Users/Manu/Desktop/ultrasonic_sensor_bot/ultrasonic_sensor_bot/ultrasonic_sensor_bot.ino: In function 'void loop()':
ultrasonic_sensor_bot:191:6: error: redefinition of 'void loop()'
void loop(){
/Users/Manu/Desktop/ultrasonic_sensor_bot/ultrasonic_sensor_bot/ultrasonic_sensor_bot.ino:157:6: note: 'void loop()' previously defined here
void loop() {
Using library Servo at version 1.1.8 in folder: /private/var/folders/tb/hv2dzdtd7d369mhll7nnghc00000gn/T/AppTranslocation/28444A2D-D710-4A8A-81BD-8E3C7A492B51/d/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/libraries/Servo
exit status 1
'directionn' cannot be used as a function

how do i fix this?

full code

#include <Servo.h>
int pinLB=6; // define 6 pin left backward 
int pinLF=9; //define 9 pin left forward 
int pinRB=3; // define 10 pin right backward 
int pinRF=5; // define 11 pin right forward 
int inputPin = A0; // define ultrasonic signal receiving pin 
int outputPin = A1; // define ultrasonic signal transmission pin
int Fspeedd = 0; // forward speed
int Rspeedd = 0; // turning right speed
int Lspeedd = 0; // turning left speed
int directionn = 0; // forward=8 backward=2 left=4 right=6
Servo myservo; // set myservo
int delay_time = 250; // stabilizing time of servo motor after turning
int Fgo = 8; // forward
int Rgo = 6; // turn right 
int Lgo = 4; // turn left
int Bgo = 2; // backward
int direction;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // define motor output pin
pinMode(pinLB,OUTPUT); // pin 8 (PWM)
pinMode(pinLF,OUTPUT); // pin 9 (PWM)
pinMode(pinRB,OUTPUT); // pin 10 (PWM)
pinMode(pinRF,OUTPUT); // pin 11 (PWM)
pinMode(inputPin,INPUT); // define ultrasonic input pin 
pinMode(outputPin,OUTPUT); // define ultrasonic output pin 
myservo.attach(11); //define the fifth pin of servo motor(PWM)
void advance(int a) // forward
digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); // let motor act(right back) 
digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW); // let motor act(left back)
digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); delay(a * 100); }
void right(int b) //turn right(single wheel)
digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); //let motor act(right back)
digitalWrite(pinLF,HIGH); delay(b
* 100);
void left(int c) //turn left(single wheel)
{ digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW);//let motor act(left back) 
delay(c * 100); }
void turnR(int d) //turn right(double wheel)
digitalWrite(pinRB,LOW); //let motor act(right back)
digitalWrite(pinLF,LOW); //let motor act(left front)
delay(d * 100); }
void turnL(int e) //turn left(double wheel)
{ digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); 
digitalWrite(pinRF,LOW);//let motor act(right front)
digitalWrite(pinLB,LOW);//let motor act(left back)
delay(e * 100); }
void stopp(int f) //stop
{ digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH);
delay(f * 100); }
void back(int g) //backward
digitalWrite(pinRB,HIGH); //let motor act(right back)
digitalWrite(pinLB,HIGH);//let motor act(left back)
delay(g * 100); }
void ask_pin_F() // measure distance ahead
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); // let ultrasonic transmit low voltage 2μs
digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); // let ultrasonic transmit hight voltage 10μs, at least 10μs here
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); // keep ultrasonic transmitting low voltage
float Fdistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); // read time gap
Fdistance=Fdistance/5.8/10; // convert time into distance(unit:cm)
Serial.print(" F distance "); //output distance(unit:cm)
Serial.println(Fdistance); //display distance
Fspeedd = Fdistance; // read distance into Fspeedd(forward speed)
void ask_pin_L() // measure distance on the left side
{ myservo.write(5);
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); // let ultrasonic transmit low voltage 2μs
digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); // let ultrasonic transmit hight voltage 10μs, at least 10μs here
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); // keep ultrasonic transmitting low voltage
float Ldistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); // read time gap Ldistance=
Ldistance/5.8/10; // convert time into distance(unit:cm)
Serial.print(" L distance "); //output distance(unit:cm)
Serial.println(Ldistance); //display distance
Lspeedd = Ldistance; // read distance into Lspeedd(Leftward speed)
void ask_pin_R() // measure distance on the right side
myservo.write(177); delay(delay_time);
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); // let ultrasonic transmit low voltage 2μs
digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); // let ultrasonic transmit high voltage 10μs, at least 10μs here
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); // keep ultrasonic transmitting low voltage
float Rdistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); // read time gap
Rdistance=Rdistance/5.8/10; // convert time into distance(unit:cm)
Serial.print(" R distance "); //output distance(unit:cm)
Serial.println(Rdistance); //display distance
Rspeedd = Rdistance; // read distance into Rspeedd(rightward speed)
void detection() //measure three angles(0.90.179)
int delay_time = 250; // stabilizing time of servo motor after turning 
ask_pin_F(); // read distance ahead
if(Fspeedd < 10) // if distance ahead is less than 10cm
stopp(1); // Clear output data back(2);
// backward for 0.2 sec
if(Fspeedd < 25) // if distance ahead is less than 25cm
stopp(1); // Clear output data
ask_pin_L(); // read distance on the left side
delay(delay_time); // wait for the servo to stabilize
ask_pin_R(); //read distance on the right side
delay(delay_time); // wait for the servo to stabilize
if(Lspeedd > Rspeedd) //if the distance on the left side is larger than that of the right side
directionn = Rgo; //go rightwards
if(Lspeedd <= Rspeedd); //if the distance on the left side is no more than that of the right side
directionn = Lgo; //go leftwards
if (Lspeedd < 10 && Rspeedd < 10) //if the distance on both sides is less than 10cm
directionn = Bgo; //go backwards
} }
else //if the distance ahead if no less than 25cm
directionn = Fgo; //go forward
} }
void loop() {
myservo.write(90); //let servo motor return to its ready position, prepared for the next measurement
detection(); //measure angle and decide moving direction
if (directionn == 2) 
if (directionn(direction) = 2(backward)
back(8); // backward(car)
turnL(2); //slightly move leftwards(prevent from being stuck in blind alley)
Serial.print(" Reverse "); 
display direction(backward)
if (directionn == 6) 
if (directionn(direction) = 6(rightward)
{ back(1);
turnR(6); // turn right
Serial.print(" Right ");
display direction(turn left)
if (directionn == 4) 
if (directionn(direction) = 4(turn left)
{ back(1);
turnL(6); // turn left
Serial.print(" Left "); 
display direction(turn right)
if (directionn == 8) 
if (directionn(direction) = 8(forward)
advance(1); // go forward as normal
Serial.print(" Advance ");
display direction(forward)
Serial.print(" ");
void loop(){

What are you trying to do on that line?

      display direction(backward)

and with lines like these ?

Have you noticed how similar these three functions are?

I don't know what that's supposed to be either, but I do know that it doesn't have enough parentheses.

When cut-and-paste goes bad.

It's beyond me how anyone can even read such horribly formatted code. Does OP get charged for each bit of white space in the code? Indentation makes the code MUCH easier to read, reduces stupid errors, like mis-placed braces, and makes the overall structure FAR easier to visualize.

yes i have

So, why write the same thing three times?

how do I combine them then

what do you mean about not eneough parenthases

Pass the function the position, and have it return the range

I mean there is an insufficient quantity of these ( )

yeah i know but what do I put then to add more?

? how do I do that?

First you have to correct the code you have written
As it is, it's hard for us to tell what you intended for the code to do.

yeah i did that

if (directionn == 6) 
if (directionn(direction) = 6(rightward))
{ back(1);
turnR(6); // turn right
Serial.print(" Right ");
display direction(turn left)
if (directionn == 4) 
if (directionn(direction) = 4(turn left))
{ back(1);
turnL(6); // turn left
Serial.print(" Left "); 
display direction(turn right)
if (directionn == 8) 
if (directionn(direction) = 8(forward))

how do I pass the function the position, and have it return the range

Please describe what you think this does

I honestly don't know

how do i pass the function the position, and have it return the range though