Disable certain components/devices or Arduino pins

Is there any way to disable arduino pins to prevent executing other components while a condition is met. In my case, when my frontsensor detects something, the robot should move backward even if the line tracker detects the line. I would like to disable the line tracker sensor for a few seconds while the front sensor condition is met. I'm having a hard time explaining my problem but I hope you get what I want to say. Any help from you guys would be much appreciated. Sorry for my grammar. By the way, here's the code:

#include <Wire.h> // 
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <Servo.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C  lcd(0x27,2,1,0,4,5,6,7,3,POSITIVE); // 0x27 is the I2C bus address for an unmodified backpack

#define IN1 22
#define IN2 24
#define IN3 26
#define IN4 28
#define ENA 2
#define ENB 3
int echo_left = 37;
int trig_left = 39;
int echo_right = 41;
int trig_right = 43;
int echo_front = 45;
int trig_front = 47;
long duration, SensorLeft, SensorRight, SensorFront;
int LineTrackRight;
int LineTrackLeft;
int LineTrackCenter;
Servo myservo1; // 20 degree initial value 180 degrees off value
Servo myservo2;
Servo myservo3;
Servo myservo4;
int pos;

void MotorForward() {
  analogWrite (ENA, 70);
  analogWrite (ENB, 70);
  digitalWrite (IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN4, LOW);

void MotorBackward() {
  analogWrite (ENA, 60);
  analogWrite (ENB, 60);
  digitalWrite (IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN4, HIGH);

void MotorRadialLeftTurn() {
  analogWrite (ENA, 70);
  analogWrite (ENB, 0);
  digitalWrite (IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN4, LOW);

void MotorAxialRightTurn() {
  analogWrite (ENA, 70);
  analogWrite (ENB, 70);
  digitalWrite (IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN4, LOW);

void MotorAxialRightTurnLow() {
  analogWrite (ENA, 50);
  analogWrite (ENB, 50);
  digitalWrite (IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN4, LOW);

void MotorAxialLeftTurn() {
  analogWrite (ENA, 70);
  analogWrite (ENB, 70);
  digitalWrite (IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN4, HIGH);

void MotorAxialLeftTurnLow() {
  analogWrite (ENA, 50);
  analogWrite (ENB, 50);
  digitalWrite (IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN4, HIGH);

void MotorRadialRightTurn() {
  analogWrite (ENA, 0);
  analogWrite (ENB, 70);
  digitalWrite (IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite (IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN4, LOW);

void MotorStop() {
  analogWrite (ENA, 0);
  analogWrite (ENB, 0);
  digitalWrite (IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite (IN4, HIGH);

void CheckSensorFront() {
  digitalWrite(trig_front, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trig_front, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trig_front, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echo_front, HIGH);
  SensorFront = (duration/2) / 74;

void CheckSensorLeft() {
  digitalWrite(trig_left, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trig_left, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trig_left, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echo_left, HIGH);
  SensorLeft = (duration/2) / 74;
  if (SensorLeft <= 5){

void CheckSensorRight() {
  digitalWrite(trig_right, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trig_right, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trig_right, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echo_right, HIGH);
  SensorRight = (duration/2) / 74;
  if (SensorRight <= 5){

void setup(){
  lcd.begin (20, 4);
  lcd.print("Autonomous Garbage  Collector Robot");
  pinMode (31, INPUT);
  pinMode (33, INPUT);
  pinMode (35, INPUT);
  pinMode (IN1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (IN2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (IN3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (IN4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ENA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ENB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (echo_left, INPUT);
  pinMode (trig_left, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (echo_right, INPUT);
  pinMode (trig_right, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (echo_front, INPUT);
  pinMode (trig_front, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
  LineTrackLeft = digitalRead(31);
  LineTrackCenter = digitalRead(33);
  LineTrackRight = digitalRead(35);
  if (LineTrackLeft == 1 && LineTrackRight == 1 && LineTrackCenter == 1){
  else if (LineTrackLeft == 1 && LineTrackRight == 0 && LineTrackCenter == 1){
  else if (LineTrackLeft == 0 && LineTrackRight == 1 && LineTrackCenter == 1){
  if (SensorFront >= 0 && SensorFront < 7){
  else if (SensorFront == 7){

I would like to disable the line tracker sensor for a few seconds while the front sensor condition is met.

So don't call the code that reads it when you don't need it

Is there any way to disable arduino pins

You cannot disable pins but you can ignore them.


@Audiph, I can disable your account here if I find any more copies of this question.


I'm sorry sir. It will not happen next time. My apologies.

You need to add the concept of "state" to your thinking. Basically the Arduino needs to remember what happened before so that it will know what to do next.

When you see a wall, start the "backup" state. When you have backed up enough time or distance go back into the "normal" state.