Disable serial debug messages from WIFI and ArduinoCloud


I've faced some issues where it seems like my Arduino will not start/run properly with the debugging messages filling up the buffer.
Is there a way of disabling all these messages sent about "Connected to X" and so on sent from the WIFI and ArduinoCloud modules?
I can only find ESP32 related posts about disabling the messages from WIFI

In each template for Arduino cloud it mentions setDebugMessageLevel and printDebugInfo
setDebugMessageLevel set to 0 only shows debugging messages accorcding to text written in default template
ArduinoCloud.printDebugInfo was a bit more tricky but i found the code for ArduinoCloud and it simply just prints "Thing ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" message
(ArduinoIoTCloud/ArduinoIoTCloudLPWAN.cpp at 56284976d1ff0ff39dfa2c7951a0a041734d5690 · arduino-libraries/ArduinoIoTCloud · GitHub)

But that's it. I was not able to figure out how to disable all debug messages WHICH imo is SO annoying.

Anyone faced same issue and knows the solution?

hi @decee1,
debug message level 0 will still print messages marked as ERROR in the code. Did you tryed to put debug message level -1 ? This should disable all prints done with printDebugInfo

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