Disabling attiny45 Clock Divide (CKDIV8) using arduinoISP + AVRDude

So i had a look at this post: http://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=9283 and wanted to do it with my attiny45's because they run at 1mHz right now.

i used the command
avrdude -c Arduino -P COM7 -p attiny45 -U lfuse:w:<0x62>:m
but it responded with:

The system cannot find the file specified

How do i fix this?

Someone on that forum told me to use -U lfuse:w:0x62:m, now its doing something but it says:

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

I doubt the bootloader can change the fuse settings. Use a programmer (like usbtiny).

hm... that's a problem, i need the chip ready tomorrow :frowning:

Then you may try 'ArduinoISP' if you have another spare board.

I'd get an usbtiny nevertheless. Will give you piece of mind.

if you've read correctly, i am already using a arduino as ISP but it doesn't work.

Oh, seems I over-read that. Probably because I don't understand why people don't spend 15-20$ on proper equipment (usbtiny) that works!


Did you disable the auto-reset on the programming board (resistor / capacitor mod) ?


i am using a seeeduino and have the auto reset switch set to 'manual'

and i want to buy a programmer but i have to get the chip done tomorrow!

As far as i remeber you can just use the "Burn Bootloader" from the IDE (selecting the right CPU speed ofcourse)

Did you set the correct speed ( "-b 19200" ) ?

Try running avrdude with -vvvvv to get more verbose information.


...will not help with the immediate problem but will help with the next problem. Pay close attention to the low fuse value. This may help...


thanks! with -b 19200 it works!

Now i'm trying to control a servo with this (http://www.cunningturtle.com/attiny4585-servo-library) 8 bit servo library but all it does is go to one side in steps and nothing else.

I'm using the library in arduino IDE and other people have had success with this but i have not :frowning:

Which core are you using?

i'm using http://hlt.media.mit.edu/?p=1229

You need to modify the boards.txt file: either modify an existing entry for 8 MHz or clone an existing entry and modify the new entry for 8 MHz.

Now i added

attiny45arduinoisptest.name=ATtiny45 8Mhz (w/ Arduino as ISP)

to the boards.txt and selected it but it did the same as before, what is a good alternative core? arduino tiny core?

Now i tried with arduino tiny core but it says

~blah blah blah~

wich is weird because i have the right COM port selected...

Now i added ... to the boards.txt and selected it but it did the same as before

Same as what? Servo problem? Upload problem?

what is a good alternative core? arduino tiny core?

That's the one I prefer.

Now i tried with arduino tiny core but it says


~blah blah blah~

wich is weird because i have the right COM port selected...


Open the "boards.txt" file and change both of the "upload.using" entries to the appropriate value for your setup.

The appropriate value for you is "arduino:arduinoisp"...


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