Disabling IoT switch

I am programming NodeMCU ESP32S on Arduino IoT cloud. Everything is ok.
I have two switches those are switch_1 and switch_2 .
I want make disable the switch_2 when i press the switch_1.
Is it possible?

Hi @auqaserdar. It is definitely possible. For example, you could do something like this in your Thing sketch:

  Since switch_2 is READ_WRITE variable, onSwitch2Change() is
  executed every time a new value is received from IoT Cloud.
void onSwitch2Change()  {
  if(switch_1 == true){
    // switch_1 is on, so don't do anything.

  // Put your code here for reacting when switch_2 is changed while switch_1 is off.
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Yes, you can set a conditional statement in the code that detects a change in the state of switch_1 (for example, from not pressed to pressed), and then change the state of switch_2 to make it unavailable or vice versa.

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