Hell, I am running a few servos and have a problem withe occasional twitching. I have explored every single power supply issue and its still twitching. The only thing that stops the twitch (even with an extremely basic code) is just to use the TIMSK0=0 line. Is there a way to use delays of any kind while using the TIMSK0=0 line. It is my understanding that functions such as millis()/micros()/delay() statements will not work by disabling timer 0. Code is attached, as you can see, I simplified it so much as to where the code just calls for the servo to be attached and it still does the random clicking every few seconds or so. Im using external power. 6v/2amps and have tried quite a few sources (even battery) and with all grounds connected.
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
void setup() {
TIMSK0 &= ~_BV(TOIE0);
void loop() {