Disconnection during upload of Braccio robot arm code

Having recently set up and built the Braccio arm, I set about coding, following alongside the existing lesson structure. However, upon successful compilation of code the board appears to disconnect (or be forcibly disconnected during the upload procedure). This of course causes the upload to fail.

I have rechecked that all necessary libraries are installed and when initially plugged in, the board is recognised by the system, as such I am looking for a solution to this problem.

I have even gone so far as to attempt to upload the basic example Blink code, this too does not work and fails in the same way.

That's not "of course". If you're using a board with native USB it's expected behaviour. What is the board that you're using? Leonardo, Uno, Mega, ...

It is the default board that comes with the Braccio++ education kit.

I'm sorry, I have no idea as I don't have the kit.

Upon further investigation, I believe it to be the Nano RP2040.

Any Nano is a long narrow board; it does not have the form factor of an Uno or Leonardo so the Braccio shield will not directly fit.

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