Discussing about arinc 429 protocal

Hello Everyone. I am Yugenthar.
Now I am Start the arinc-429 Protocal .then I have one doubt in arinc-429 So how to choose the (Arinc-429 IC Chip ) using TX/RX communication in microcontroller

How to implement the microcontroller.
Anyone give the solution.
Give part Number for Arinc-429 IC Chip.

Hello rockpprt

Have you already started the Basic Engineering?

Take a search engine of your choice and ask the WWW for ' Arinc-429 +arduino ' to get started.

Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.

If you don't want to work directly with an ARINC-429 chip, then you could try this device:

Thanks for your response Kindly give hardware IC

I am already see this adaptor but actualy this one adptor or arinc ic chip
I want arinc related IC chip driver

I have already search this commond but I can't get the proper hardware setup or IC bro.
Could you refer any arinc-429 IC Chip

I'm confused! Do you have a chip already? Are you looking for a library for that chip?

Or are you looking for a chip? If so, what interface to the chip do you need? SPI, UART serial etc.

EDIT: Many years ago, I used an HI-3598 ARINC 429 receiver from Holt IC in a proof-of-concept demonstrator. It used an SPI interface. Here's their website with some of their offerings:

Note that it's not going to be a cheap interface. The latest HI-3220 with 16 receivers and 8 transmitters is around 240 USD on Digikey.

Thanks for you rely:Matkd833
I am already say this website but i cant undesrtand this demokit for HI-3598 because this type of board are using dip switch and send the Label not using microcontroller I need using microcontroller then I send the data frame
I have send my data Frame :label=0x81 SDI=0x03 data=0xFFFF SSM=0x00 parity =0x01(Hex value)
How to send this frame formate to Holt HI-3598 IC
Are you bought this type of board HI3598 IC or sperate board
I have one doubt this IC is already programed with FPGA .

From a brief look at the user manual, the board has an NXP microcontroller that has been programmed with a demo application. If you use an NXP development environment, then you can reprogram the micro with your own code.

If you want to use an Arduino, then you might be able to hold the NXP micro in reset and connect the Arduino to the SPI connections.

Thank you markd833
I am understand .
Thanks for your response then Please support upcoming msg

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