Disertation Project Ideas

I'm currently in the final year of my engineering degree.

I want to make a climate control system on an industrial scale, I'm trying to control the heating within a factory (240v roof fans), taking into account the weather outside (rain and temperature) also if the factory is too hot, the system will be able to open the roof vents in that area.

I'm wondering if anyone has done something similar or could point me in the right direction with the Arduino boards.

What experience do you have with electronics and programming?


If you're planning to go into that field, people will be more impressed if you use a PLC.

I'm fairly good with ladder logic programming, I've looked into using a PLC but have a basic knowledge on the functions available. I'm more familiar with Mitsubishi Q series, or telemech premiums. but again I wouldn't know where to start with something like that. the Arduino board looked like an easier alternative.

Maybe you should answer reply #1. But I think for a PHD(?) dissertation, they will be expecting something more academic.

I'm a fully qualified electrical engineer, currently aiming to be a plant specialist. its only degree level so I think a climate control system would be adequate.

The bulk of this project would seem to me the problem of communication of the various sensors over the large distance that the plant covers. You have several options to consider as I see it. You could go for some sort of bus or point to point 20mA current loop interfaces.

currently in the factory we have Heater Panels dotted around in different areas, they just consist of contactors and an on/off switch. I am going to replace these, updating them and installing a full new panel. ideally I want to find a way to link every panel over a network to one main panel, which will take all the readings of each temperature sensor and display them on a digital display.