First time user of Arduino Products and this forum, thanks in advance for any help and support,
I am currently at university studying Industrial Design, working on my final year project, I have read as much as I can but I will be honest, I am not from an electronics background but am familiar with the basics. I’m working on a dispenser which requires a few simple user sequences which I’m not sure the Arduino boards & components can do. I need assistance in writing the code. I will of course credit any help on my project to any major contributors. I have written what I need the Arduino to do. I am making a working prototype for demonstration purposes.
Sequence needed
Yellow LED Comes on for (10 to 15 Seconds) then switches to A Red LED
The Red LED Stays ON – Until the user presses a switch.
Once the user Presses a switch – A stepper Motor Turns 12 Degrees (any direction)
A Green LED Comes on & stays on
Once the sequence is completed I just need to reset the entire system so I can demonstrate the concept again.
The hardware I Currently Have
Arduino Uno
Easy Driver Stepper Motor Driver
Stepper Motor
Any one able to suggest coding and components setup?
I just need guidance and support from anyone who is willing to help me out. I really do appreciate any help;
once again I will credit any major support from anyone on my final project.
Were to start
Thanks for your kind help
Code wise, some of the example sketches that come with the IDE should give you everything you need for LEDs and delays (Blink for example). The stepper library and it's examples should take care of the steppers. Don't forget current limiting resistors for your LEDs.
I have started to learn about basic coding like suggested.
But it would be great if someone could write a draft template of the code needed for my sequence,
I then can make the changes to the code to get it started.
But it would be great if someone could write a draft template of the code needed for my sequence,
This is a Final Year University project, you should be writing your own.
We can offer help and advice but most of us are not keen on doing your work for you.
Speaking as an ex University Lecturer (for U.S. readers that is a Professor) I think the draft template is the easiest part.
Like i mentioned i am an industrial design student, and for my major project i am only required to make a prototype model, aesthetics, size, form etc.
I am not actually required to make a working prototype of such, but i have set myself the challenge to make a working prototype,
I have a university lecturer who will be helping me with the electronic components, but that is in three weeks time seeing as the Easter holidays in uk.
I have been advised to look into Arduino products.
So i rather work on something over the Easter break if possible, like i said i have no background knowledge on Arduino product and coding,
I am continually learning as much as possible, but i'm restricted by time, as this part is not required for my final prototype.
I am focusing more on cad modeling for my physical prototype and other aspects of my project which is required, and am working on Ardunio when i have time.
I'm not sure what you mean by a 'code template'. Your sequence only has four steps. Look at the Blink example sketch to see how to turn leds on and off. Then look at the Button and Debounce examples to see how to detect a button press. Then the only thing left is moving the stepper, and there are example sketches for that too.
Thanks for the reply, I have been told its pretty simple to do like you say, once i have all the components set up i will give it my best shot with the coding using the sketch examples etc,
I am only just beginning to discover the brilliance of Ardunio Products and hope to learn a lot more over the summer.
I will keep you all posted on how it goes.