I'm doing this important final project for school where i control lights on a webpage but i also wanna display temperature, i'm thinking about using either a LM35 or DHT 11/12. I have the code already but how can i show it online or offline on a webpage? (i'm using a service called Teleduino)
Ill post the LM35 sensor code. My question is how can i export the value of the temperature to a website?
float tempC;
float tempF;
int reading;
float referenceVoltage;
int tempPin = 0; //Analog pin connected to LM35
void setup()
// Set Analog reference to 1.1V this gives more accuracy since the sensor will output 0-1 V
// This only available on ATmega168 or ATmega328)
// For more information see: http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AnalogReference
referenceVoltage = 1.1; //Set to 5, 3.3, 2.56 or 1.1 depending on analogReference Setting
void loop()
reading = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Average 10 readings for accurate reading
reading += analogRead(tempPin);
// A lot of examples divide the sensor reading by 1024. This is incorrect and should be 1023. There are 1024 values including 0 so this should be 1023.
tempC = (referenceVoltage * reading * 10) / 1023;
// Convert to Fahrenheit
tempF = (tempC * 9 / 5) + 32;
Serial.print(tempC, 1); //Print one decimal, it's not accurate enough for two
Serial.println(" C");
Serial.print(tempF, 1); //Print one decimal, it's not accurate enough for two
Serial.println(" F");
Serial.println(" ");
Thanks in advance,