Display bmp on 320x480 TFT LCD - Mega

Hi Guys

I am in the process of learning how to work with Arduinos in general and specifically how to use the TFT LCD screen on an Arduino Mega. I have a 320 X 480 TFT LCD with an ILI9481 graphics controller and on-board SD Card Reader. I am able to read from and write to the SD card using the sd library. I can display all kinds of wonderful demos/examples using both the UTFT libraries and HX8357 Library by Rowboteer.

What I have been trying to do is simply to display a .bmp on the SD Card to the display. Something similar to the TFTBitmapLogo example.

Are there functions in either of the libraries similar to the "logo = TFTscreen.loadImage("arduino.bmp");" and the " TFTscreen.image(logo, x, y);" funtions in this example.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

I have this LCD shield and followed the instructions on this site exactly. Displaying images is not a simple call.

I was able to display graphics and images. Note i don't think this shield can display images in 8-bit mode.

Hope this helps.


Hey Kris. Thank you for your input.

Hi Kris
Could you please give me some pointers on how you went about to display images on this lcd?



I have updated the HX8357 library here to include an example which draws bitmaps off an SD Card.

Also new member functions have been added to draw outline ellipses and filled ellipses.

Hi Bodmer

That is awesome work. Thank you very much!!!!