I have this TM1638 chip micro-8 8-segment LED display but I am not sure how/where to connect the connection cable. Any ideas? I try to connet this display to an Arduino Uno 3.
I'm pretty sure there are some good instructions somewhere in the Internet but I just don't find anything... my bad
All links, ideas and help are welcome!
Thank you in advance!
Hm, looks pretty nice! I haven't used it, but the first few links helped me understand it quickly, lemme know if you have any questions ...
Thank you, Sir! Very helpfull links.
More questions? You bet, hah haa... As soon as I manage to understand this far.
Thanks for to advice.
Ps. All comments, hints and ideas about this display connections still welcome!
Google would reach a larger audience's remarks and might return more information. Google is also a better starting point than here as you just might find enough answers to ask more pertinent questions here...
I read the instructions and found this:
"For Arduino use, pins 1~4 are the minimum necessary to use one module."
"x is the Arduino digital pin connected to the module cable pin 4, y is the Arduino digital pin connected to the module cable pin 3, and z is the strobe pin. So if you had one module with data, clock and strobe connected to pins 8, 7, and 6 you would use: TM1638 module(8, 7, 6);"
If I got this right then I will connect
display Vcc (5V) -> Arduino 5V
display GND -> Arduino GND
display CLK -> Arduino digital pin 8
display DIO -> Arduino digital pin 7
display STB1 -> Arduino digital pin 6