I´m thinking to make one osciloscope. What graphics display are recomended?
- Select a display which is supported by an existing library. Study the Arduino Playground. There is a list of libs for graphics displays. You might also look here: Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.. At least choose a display with a controller which is listed on the u8glib page or the Playground page.
- Choose parallel mode displays only if you have enough available pins, otherwise use SPI. Avoid I2C, it seems to be slow and is not supported so well.
- Better choose monochrom displays. I personally think, that the Arduino Uno has too less power to driver TFTs. For the same reason carefully select the display resolution. Anything above 200x200 probably will be too slow.
- On ebay you may find very cheap displays, but you will not get much support. Good support is provided for displays from http://www.newhavendisplay.com or http://www.lcd-module.com/. Also displays from dfrobot, adafruit or sparkfun are good and reliable choices.
- Level shifting: To my knowledge two controller do not require logic level translation: KS0108 and ST7920 based graphics displays. Most other displays require an additional level shifting circuit (e.g. 74HC4050)
Hope this helps,
Depends on your requirements. There are VGA boards for Arduino and you can send the data to a PC and display the data in HD.
the question is what are your requirements?
and second how much do you want to spend?
Starting with a PC to display the graphs works quite well
- Better choose monochrom displays. I personally think, that the Arduino Uno has too less power to driver TFTs. For the same reason carefully select the display resolution. Anything above 200x200 probably will be too slow.
I'd personally disagree with this - especially for an oscilloscope where you are drawing lines (rather than filling areas).
If you use a Mega, direct port manipulation and a TFT display with an 8 bit parallel interface (lots on eBay for instance),
reasonable speed can be had. Colour is very useful on a screen!
With an Uno you'd really need to find an SPI compatible screen (the Uno can do 8MHz SPI)
Also there aren't many large monochrome displays available.
Look at which display chips the UTFT library supports as a guide. Electronics - Henning Karlsen