Display incoming serial data from external device to LCD - Examples ???

Library 'LiquidCrystal_I2C' has a code example 'SerialDisplay' which Displays text entered & sent from the Serial Monitor on to an attached LCD.

Has anybody an example where arduino is used to monitor serial data at different baud rates from an external device (e.g. another arduino) and display is on a LCD or even a OLED. Initially it would be used to display text characters which could be representing hex or binary data strings.

Obviously I can use a 'terminal program ' on say a laptop but I was wanting something more portable so I could monitor live data from field based arduino/ESP devices.

Comments / hints appreciated

Have you studied Seial input basics?
You need to understand how to get data from serial into your code as variables then you need to know how to get variables on the display in the format you want. Then you link the 2 concepts together so that the variables you display are the same ones coming in from the serial port.

To do this properly you will also need to understand Demonstration for several things at the same time because you will have 2 bits of code, serial and display, running concurrently.

I have found the 'bare bones' of what I'm wanting to achieve in the following post

For those interested Martyn Currey has an excellent webpage including the best prima over 4 parts on how to use serial on the arduino. I thought I had a good knowledge of how serial data can be implimented on arduinos but Martin hilights the use of both hardware and various flavours of software serial. WELL WORTH A READ
