display more than one

i have problem,with my code(here with)( made helping with forum specially Mr.strerretj). my project is measure level and volume by 2 ultrasonic (tank and reservoir)that levels and time , date display one by one (with updating lcd) in system standby mode(3 things).in motor automatically on/run ,that time display only tank level .those are basic functions & in my mind i need to add few buttons to control on motor manually/auto,and time period and also level wise & time manually adjust.And also levels display led 7 segment max7219 module

i am beginner still learn arduino,many of codes dont understand (like millis)
my problem is code levels not updating and changing and scrolling,pls anyone can help me further for this

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#define trigger1 11
#define echo1 10
#define trigger2 12
#define echo2 13

LiquidCrystal lcd(8,9,4,5,6,7);
// it's a 16x2 LCD so...
float time=0;


#define DELAY_TANK2RESERVOIR 28  // delay step between display of tank info and reservoir info
byte currentDisplay = DISPLAY_TANKINFO;
unsigned long currentTime=0;
int tankLevel;
int reservoirLevel;

void setup() {
 pinMode(echo2,INPUT); // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
   switch (currentDisplay)
      currentDisplay = SCROLL_TANKINFO;
      if (scrollDisplayLeft(500, 16) == true)
        currentDisplay = DELAY_TANK2RESERVOIR;
      if(wait(1500) == true)
        currentDisplay = DISPLAY_RESERVOIRINFO;
      currentDisplay = SCROLL_TANKINFO;
       if (scrollDisplayLeft(500, 16) == true)
        currentDisplay = DELAY_RESERVOIR2TANK;

      if(wait(1500) == true)
        currentDisplay = DISPLAY_TANKINFO;

  read the tank level
void readTankLevel()
  digitalWrite(trigger1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigger1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigger1, LOW);
  time = pulseIn(echo1, HIGH);
  tankLevel = (140 - (time * 340 / 20000)) / 1.3;

  read the tank level
void readReservoirLevel()
  digitalWrite(trigger2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigger2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigger2, LOW);
  time = pulseIn(echo2, HIGH);
  reservoirLevel = (140 - (time * 340 / 20000)) / 1.3;

  setup the display to show the tank information
void displayTankInfo()
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Tank Level: ");
  lcd.setCursor(15, 0);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("volume   : ");
  lcd.print(tankLevel * 5);
  lcd.setCursor(14, 1);

void displayRsvInfo()
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Rsv Level: ");
  lcd.setCursor(15, 0);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("vole   : ");
  lcd.print(reservoirLevel * 5);
  lcd.setCursor(14, 1);

  scroll the display left
    duration for each step (in ms)
    number of steps
    true if scroll completed, flase if scroll in progress
bool scrollDisplayLeft(unsigned long stepDuration, byte numSteps)
  static unsigned long lastUpdateTime = 0;
  static byte positionCounter = 0;
  unsigned long currentTime = 0;
  if (currentTime - lastUpdateTime >= stepDuration)
    lastUpdateTime = currentTime;
    if (positionCounter >= numSteps)
      positionCounter = 0;
      return true;

  return false;

  check if a duration has lapsed
    duration (in ms)
    false if duration has not lapsed, else true
bool wait(unsigned long duration)
  static unsigned long startTime;
  static bool isStarted = false;

  // if wait period not started yet
  if(isStarted == false)
    // set the start time of the wait period
    startTime = currentTime;
    // indicate that it's started
    isStarted = true;
    // indicate to caller that wait period is in progress
    return false;

  // check if wait period has lapsed
  if(currentTime - startTime >= duration)
    // lapsed, indicate no longer started so next time we call the function it will initialise the start time again
    isStarted = false;
    // indicate to caller that wait period has lapsed
    return true;

  // indicate to caller that wait period is in progress
  return false;

i have problem,with my code(here with)( made helping with forum specially Mr.strerretj). my project is measure level and volume by 2 ultrasonic (tank and reservoir)that levels and time , date display one by one (with updating lcd) in system standby mode(3 things).in motor automatically on/run ,that time display only tank level .those are basic functions & in my mind i need to add few buttons to control on motor manually/auto,and time period and also level wise & time manually adjust.And also levels display led 7 segment max7219 module

Punctuation would REALLY improve this stream of consciousness.


my problem is code levels not updating and changing and scrolling

What a waste of effort.

The code does something. You completely failed to provide even the vaguest hint of what it does.

You expect the code to do something. I can't begin to decipher what that is.

#define motor 8
#define buzzer 1
#define lcdled 2
LiquidCrystal lcd(8,9,4,5,6,7);

Why do you #define a value for motor, when you never use it? It makes it look like you have the LCD and motor on the same pin.

Why do you #define a value for buzzer, when you never use it?

Moderator: Cross post removed

some codes not write like motor(relay).other one is my mistake. first i am a beginner,not a expert ,i want to learn.learn from example codes..some codes not understand to me,but i try. i want to made some motor pump control circuit and code (simple one i can make) like i said before.if you can help pls do it.