display pins on tft

Hi there,
I am trying to figure out how to wire this tft up to my arduino uno.I have been using an adafruit 1.8 tft, but this one was much, but the pins dont match the adafruit and I dont recognize the lettering used to denote these pins.Can someone help me figure out how to wire this up with the tft and SD so I can use it like the adafruit version?

here is the schematic for the board

QDtech_1.8.pdf (48.9 KB)

So I got he pins figured out and now using the adafruit ili9341 library I got the graphics test to work.However, it looks like the test is assuming the screen is bigger than 1.8 inches.Is there a library for 1 1.8 inch ili9341 TFT or can you modify the adafrruit library to tell it that the dispaly is 1280 by 160?


I got it working with the ST7735 driver.There is an issue with the SD reader not accepting the 5V from the adruino so you need 1K resistors for the SD card data pin according to the manufacturer.Will post wiring diagram once I get it working.