I have a 3.5" TFT 480x320 display and the MCUFRIEND_kbv library and I'm trying to display a colored picture.
I've tried using setAddrWindow() and pushColors() but I just dont understand the parameters required.
For setAddrWindow() I know the first two parameters are just the coordinates and I guess the last two are width and height, and I say (I guess) because in the graphics_kbv example this is written:
tft.setAddrWindow(wid - 40 - 40, 20 + 0, wid - 1 - 40, 20 + 39);
If the last two parameters are width and height then why did they type it like that?
and for pushColors() the first parameter is the bmp array, idk the rest.
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I've been searching for hours and there is no documentations that explain them.