Hi all,
sorry first of all if this sounds really stupid, but to me it seems like it should be such a simple task but i can't work it out.
currently in my car, i have a computer, and this computer reads the data from the OBDII port and displays the engine information on a screen as graphical dials. this is great as i can customise how the dials look, and choose which ones i want to see.
but the computer is painfully slow to boot, and some trips i do are over before the computer has fully booted. my original idea was to replace the factory dials completely with the computer ones. but its dangerous and illegal to drive around without a speedometer etc,
so what i wanted to do was to make something single purpose that would take the data and display it on a VGA 7" screen. i want it to be VGA so i can still change the screens input to the computer and back again.
reading the data with the arduino is pretty simple, there are many things that can read engine data, but the problem is displaying it.
i really want something like i have now, which is a picture of dials as a background, and then animated needles over the top.
so i would like to have some kind of system where i can maybe read an image from an SD card, display that on the screen and then put animated needles on top of the image that is controlled in real time by the arduino.
that would be absolute minimum but it would be nicer to have the dials change size, and swap for different dials etc.
i have tried everything i can to get the computer to boot fast, i have even looked at very low down basic linux boxes, but i have no idea how to program a custom OS or program for linux.
any help would be great thanks!