Displaying signal strength

permission to post ...im only a beginner in arduino, my question is how i can display signal strength of my sim800l gsm module to the LCD.im currently using sms.write("AT+CSQ\r") it works fine in serial monitor but i want to get only the RSSI to store it in INT variable and convert to dbm to display in LCD.

So the CSQ signal quality report gives more data back than you need, and you want to parse a section out of it to display.

Post a sample of the output here that the CSQ command gives you in the serial monitor and state what you want to keep and what is to be discarded.

This is my running code as of now, the output is


+CSQ: 10,0


i want only the RSSI to display..in the LCD

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial sms(10,11);

char incomingByte; 
String inputString;
#define RESET 12

void setup() {
  digitalWrite(RESET, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(RESET, LOW);
  Serial.println("Setup Complete!");

void loop() {
  if (sms.available()){
      incomingByte = sms.read();
      inputString += incomingByte; 
  inputString = "";


What part of that response is the RSSI?

char incomingByte;

When the type IN the name doesn't match the type OF the name, you look stupid. Was that your intent?

What part of that response is the RSSI?

..== iwant to convert the RSSI to Dbm and display it to the LCD

When the type IN the name doesn't match the type OF the name, you look stupid. Was that your intent?

is that posible to get only the RSSi and convert it to dbm and display to LCD....if it is not possible is there any method that you can suggest to display the signal strength in my 1602 LCD display?

What part of that response is the RSSI?

..== iwant to convert the RSSI to Dbm and display it to the LCD

We KNOW what you want to do. The question was a hint. You must store the response and then parse it, to get the part that you want.

The key to parsing is knowing what part of the string is interesting. That is, what character starts making the data interesting? What character indicates that the data is no longer interesting?

If you get "The signal strength is: 46!", the : and the ! are the start and end markers. If you get "The:signal:strength:is:46:and:the:temperature:is:54:and:the:humidity:is:18", you'll have a much harder time extracting the interesting data.

is that posible to get only the RSSi

No. You get whatever the modem thinks you should get, and you can't change that. You CAN extract the interesting data from the response.

Have a look at the parse example in Serial Input Basics
