Distance Detector with a Buzzer+LED+LCD Shield

i am a totally freshie in Arduino.. im going to make distance detector by using HC-SRO4 Ultrasonic Sensor with LED and buzzer indicator but at the same time I need to display the value of the distance into the LCD Shield. I found the simple example that used this project but without displaying the value at LCD shield..

what I need right now is the guideline how to use LCD shield with the sensor with combination of all of these LED & Buzzer. :slight_smile:

You say you found a simple example... where? Give us a link.

You say you found a simple example... where? Give us a link.

like this one

That code carries the number in the variable "distance". If you look at the bottom, it is sending it out to the USB port. If you start the serial monitor that comes with the Arduino programming software, you'll get a constant readout of distance.

Now you should be able to just use that information to send that data to an LCD display. The Library for it and many other things is in, well, Libraries.

Most LCD displays, the non-graphic ones, use the HD44780 or compatible controller.