Distance sensor

HI there im new with this Infrared proximity sensor, please help me to choose what IR proximity sensor that will have the most reliable result, because my project is so critical in measuring heights.

im measuring in Centimeters. but I need to make sure that the sensor is accurate

Please explain how the title "ALERT : )" helps anyone to understand what you need help about. If you modify your Original Post you can can change the title to something useful.

After you have done that you should explain what sort of proximity you are taking about - millimetres, 10s of meters and what will be proximate to what.

How to use the Forum


The units you use are mostly irrelevant.
The range of distances you expect to measure over is what we need. We also need to know how you want to mount measuring devices, connection between the ends, what does it mean "the most reliable result", because to get the most reliable result, you can expect to need the most expensive device, something that is likely outside your project budget. How critical is the measurement? Will somebody be decapitated if the measurement is off by half a cm?

Give us all the details.