I feel like you are trying to poke holes in this hardware.
What development software? Arduino IDE IS the development software. Take one second to look here and it will all become obvious.
The CPU is a Atmel SAMD21G18 microcontroller. It is natively Arduino compatible (it's basically a MKRZero clone). The CPU is NOT big endian.
The CPU module is compatible with DIN rail PLC I/O modules on the right side, and accepts stackable Arduino MKR shields on the left. The MKR shield pin headers are the pinouts you would expect.
The right side modules are not directly accessible via the CPU pins like Arduino shields are. They are interfaced via "base controller" hardware. The CPU communicates to the base controller via SPI. The P1AM.h library provides the means to send/receive discrete and analog I/O.
If you read / write analog I/O one channel at a time, then you get/give a little Endian int
int inputCounts = 0; //Reading in Counts
inputCounts = P1.readAnalog(1, 2); //Reads analog data from slot 1 channel 2 of the analog input module
inputVolts = 10 * ((float)inputCounts / 8191); //Convert 13-bit value to Volts
If you want to read/write ALL of the I/O in one shot (faster), that can be done as well. The discreet I/O modules return a little endian array, one BIT per channel.
The analog modules return a big endian formatted array. Why they chose to do that, I don't know. This is the only big-endianness I'm aware of in the system.
Here is their provided example code for the analog block transfer, they can explain better than I can.
These functions are not recommended for new programmers who are unfamiliar with using arrays or the
P1000 I/O modules. These functions do not prevent you from writing incorrectly formatted data. You
should have a good understanding of the bitmapped writeDiscrete function before using these functions.
Example: BlockDataTransferAnalog
This example shows how to use the readBlockData and writeBlockData functions specifically with analog
P1000 series modules. It is largely the same as the BlockDataTransfer example but accounts for the
endianess of analog modules. We recommend getting familiar with that example before using this one.
Each analog channel uses 4 bytes of data, regardless of the resolution of the module. For Voltage/Current analog
modules, this data uses the big endian byte order. This means that the 4th byte of each channel contains the
least significant byte and the 1st byte contains the most significant byte. For temperature modules, the data is
simply encoded as a 32-bit float regardless of whether a temperature or other range is used. Enabling/Disabling
channels or otherwise changing configurations does not affect the amount of data reserved by a module.
A base is shown below using a mix of analog inputs and outputs. The offset of the data arrays for each module
is in each box. Each analog channel uses 4 bytes.
_____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
| P1 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 || 0 |
| AM | | 4 | | 8 | | 4 | | 4 || 4 |
| - | | A | | D | | A | | T || D |
| 1 | | D | | A | | D | | H || A |
| 0 | | L | | L | | | | M || L |
| 0 | |AI - 0 | |AO - 0 | |AI - 16| |AI -32 ||AO - 32|
¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
This example will set the first 8 analog output channels in the base to 0x7FF and read the first 12 analog
input channels. It assumes the first 8 analog inputs channels are not from temperature modules
and the 9th-12th channels are temperature measurements.
This example works with all P1000 Series Analog Modules, but can be adapted to any type of module.
Written by FACTS Engineering
Copyright (c) 2019 FACTS Engineering, LLC
Licensed under the MIT license.
#include <P1AM.h>
void setup(){ // the setup routine runs once:
Serial.begin(115200); //initialize serial communication at 115200 bits per second
; //Wait for open serial monitor
while (!P1.init()){
; //Wait for Modules to Sign on
char analogOutData[32]; //Raw Data for analog output array
char analogOutCheck[32]; //Array to read back and check values sent match
char rawAnalogIn[32]; //Array to store unformatted analog input bytes
int analogChannelReadings[8]; //Array for individual channel data
char littleEndianTemp[16]; //Array to store unformatted little endian temperature Bytes
char bigEndianTemp[16]; //Array to store unformatted big endian temperature Bytes
float temperatureChannelReadings[4];//Array for individual channel data properly formatted
void loop(){ // the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
/*Analog Output Data*/
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ //Copy 0x000007FF into each channel with a big endian byte order
analogOutData[4*i + 0] = 0x00;
analogOutData[4*i + 1] = 0x00;
analogOutData[4*i + 2] = 0x07;
analogOutData[4*i + 3] = 0xFF;
Serial.println("Analog output data");
P1.writeBlockData(analogOutData,32,0,ANALOG_OUT_BLOCK); //Write all 32 bytes of dataArrayOut to the BC Discrete Output Data array
P1.readBlockData(analogOutCheck,32,0,ANALOG_OUT_BLOCK); //Read back the 32 bytes just sent to the BC to dataArrayIn
//Print out each of the bytes just read in. These should match up the dataArrayOut values we just sent
for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++){
Serial.print("Analog Output Byte ");
Serial.print(" = ");
delay(5000); //Wait until we do the next section
/*Analog Input Data*/
P1.readBlockData(rawAnalogIn,32,0,ANALOG_IN_BLOCK); //Read first 32 bytes (8 channels) of analog input data
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
analogChannelReadings[i] = rawAnalogIn[4*i + 0]<<24; //OR and shift MSB
analogChannelReadings[i] |= rawAnalogIn[4*i + 1]<<16; //OR and shift 3rd byte
analogChannelReadings[i] |= rawAnalogIn[4*i + 2]<<8; //OR and shift 2nd byte
analogChannelReadings[i] |= rawAnalogIn[4*i + 3]; //OR LSB
//Print out formatted data for each channel
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
Serial.print("Analog Input Channel ");
Serial.print(" Hex Counts = ");
delay(5000); //Wait 5 seconds before we do the next section
/*Temperature Input Data*/
P1.readBlockData(littleEndianTemp,16,32,ANALOG_IN_BLOCK); // Read 16 bytes (4 channels) of analog data starting at offset 32 (9th analog in channel in base)
//Reverse byte order to correct for endianess
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
bigEndianTemp[4*i + 3] = littleEndianTemp[4*i + 0];
bigEndianTemp[4*i + 2] = littleEndianTemp[4*i + 1];
bigEndianTemp[4*i + 1] = littleEndianTemp[4*i + 2];
bigEndianTemp[4*i + 0] = littleEndianTemp[4*i + 3];
memcpy(temperatureChannelReadings,bigEndianTemp,16); //Copy 16 bytes into our float array. Floats are 4 bytes each.
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
Serial.print("Temperature Input Channel ");
Serial.print(" = ");
Serial.println(" degrees");
delay(60000); //Wait 1 minute before re-running