DIY microcontroller for combat robotics

I am conceptualizing my next project - a custom microcontroller specifically for use in combat robots. My ideas are as follows:

  • ATMega328P as the main CPU because it's reliable, time-tested, and simple.
  • Integrated motor driver of some kind. The TB6612FNG is out of stock everywhere though so L298N might be my shining light in the darkness.
  • No connectors (except for the battery leads). Bare through-holes only. Connectors tend to unplug themselves.
  • Small, about the size of an Adafruit Feather.
  • Integrated NRF24L01 for combat-legal 2.4gHz communication.
  • 5V power regulation up to 2A, and servo lines available which draw upon this signal.
  • Header for external switch.

So a fairly basic bot control board. The hard part is acquiring parts. I may just use a hot plate to desolder many of the parts from existing boards like my bricked RF nano (for the NRF, the ATMega is dead). But for the high-current power regulator and motor driver, I am open to suggestions.

Actually, I'm open to suggestions on almost everything. That's the purpose of these threads. Keep in mind that the primary focus is fitting as many things onto a small, light board. Features like onboard USB can take the back seat.

Microcontroller and development board is not same thing. You speak about a PCB designing. Easyeda is simplest way I think. And there is his Partner JLCPCB with 2$ manufacturing cost of 5 pieces 10x10cm is awesome. But this is not realy Arduino thing.

Sorry for the confusion.


You not mentioned that.
What was your question?

The purpose of this thread is to collect ideas from the community for the device I want to make, and to create context for the community so they'll know what my use case is when I inevitably ask question about designing the board.

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