I have Pixel LED module which has 6LED which control UCS512C4 IC . This is addressable programmable module even using Arduino , I serched google to find out datasheet for UCS512C4 but I could not find it
1 Please help to findout the datasheet
The module has following pins
I need to understand the operation of above pins
GND 24+ ( Power Supply Pins)
PI - data in
PO Data Out
A/B are the RS485 data lines used to deliver the DMX512 data. No idea about PI/PO but would assume they are used for daisy chaining several of these modules together and are input (PI) and output (PO). They could just be for power as anything I can find on the UCS512 seem to indicate it needs 5V or they could be for programming the DMX address of the modules.
A/B are the RS485 data lines used to deliver the DMX512 data. No idea about PI/PO but would assume they are used for daisy chaining several of these modules together and are input (PI) and output (PO). They could just be for power as anything I can find on the UCS512 seem to indicate it needs 5V or they could be for programming the DMX address of the modules.