Is there any functionality within the MKRNB library or related to narrowband connectivity that supports DNS lookup to obtain an IP address from a hostname?
I am hosting a CoAP server at home and I do not want to go through the trouble of converting my public IP to static. This is why I am opting to go for a Dynamic DNS service instead.
I was hoping to find some functionality similar to getHostByName() from the Ethernet library but to no avail.
The MKR1500 is in the mobile network therefore gets it's IP / DNS configuration from the network carrier and you can't get out of this mobile net. DynDNS won't work.
Just to clarify, I am looking to send packets from the MKRNB1500 to a CoAP server of which its IP is dynamic. Unfortunately, the CoAP library only supports entering an IPAddress object rather than a hostname which I can get easily from a Dynamic DNS service such as NoIP.
Sorry for taking longer than usual to respond. But I have tried it multiple times with multiple hostnames and it kept returning ERROR on the serial output.