Do all servos have to be from one company?

Do all servos have to be from one company? Can I use servos from two or more companies? Why servo horns made for one brand don't fit servos made by another company?

Do all servos have to be from one company? Can I use servos from two or more companies?

You are free to mix and match as most all common hobby servos share the same operating voltage range and controlled by the same type of TTL voltage level pulse width control method.

Why servo horns made for one brand don't fit servos made by another company?

A camshaft for a Ford car will not fit on a Chevy car either. There is no industry 'standard' for servo output shaft attachment method or size, you get what you get when you select the servo.

From what I've seen standard size servo shafts are either something like 24 or 25 spline shafts, so the servo horns won't interchange between the two. Just as an observation, seems like one type has white servo horns and the other type uses black servo horns. I think I've also seen standard servos that rotate in different directions.

in a nutshell, you dont have too, but it will save you a lot of headache