Here is some working TMP35/LM35/TMP36 code I wrote for serial moitor and LCD shield. Temps in C and F.
Make sure you read the header how to change the sketch for the TMP36.
Set your serial monitor to the same speed as in the code.
LCD is optional. Pinout is for a common cheap shield.
// TMP35 or TMP36 temp sensor connected to Analogue input A1, 3.3volt and ground
// or LM35 temp sensor connected to A1, 5volt and ground
// temp range ~2C to ~105C
// display on serial monitor and/or LCD
// for a TMP36 (-40C to ~55C), change line 45 to: tempC = total * Aref * 0.1 / numReadings - 50.0;
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); // your LCD pins could be different
byte ledPin = 10; // backlight pin
const byte numReadings = 25; // number of readings for smoothing (max 64)
int readings[numReadings]; // readings from the analog input
byte index = 0; // index of the current reading
unsigned int total = 0; // running total
int inputPin = A1; // the pin that the TMP35 is connected to
float Aref = 1.0759; // change this value to the actual Aref voltage of ---YOUR--- Arduino (1.0 - 1.2), or adjust to get accurate readings
float tempC; // Celcius
float tempF; // Fahrenheit
void setup() {
//analogWrite(ledPin, 200); // optional dimming
analogReference(INTERNAL); // use the internal ~1.1volt reference | change (INTERNAL) to (INTERNAL1V1) for a Mega
Serial.begin(115200); // ---set serial monitor to this value---
lcd.begin(16, 2); // shield with 2x16 characters
lcd.print("Thermometer"); // info text
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // second row
lcd.print("0-100 Celcius");
for (index = 0; index < numReadings; index++) { // fill the array for faster startup
readings[index] = analogRead(inputPin);
total = total + readings[index];
index = 0; // reset
delay(2000); // info display time
void loop() {
total = total - readings[index]; // subtract the last reading
readings[index] = analogRead(inputPin); // one unused reading to clear ghost charge
readings[index] = analogRead(inputPin); // read from the sensor
total = total + readings[index]; // add the reading to the total
index = index + 1; // advance to the next position in the array
if (index >= numReadings) // if we're at the end of the array
index = 0; // wrap around to the beginning
// convert value to temp
tempC = total * Aref * 0.1 / numReadings; // value to celcius conversion
tempF = tempC * 1.8 + 32; // Celcius to Fahrenheit conversion
// print to LCD
if (total == 1023 * numReadings) { // if overflow
lcd.print("---TOO HOT---");
else {
lcd.print(tempC, 2); // two decimal places
lcd.setCursor(6, 0); // position 6, first row
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // second row
lcd.print(tempF, 1); // one decimal place
lcd.setCursor(6, 1); // position 6, second row
// print to serial monitor
Serial.print("Raw average = ");
Serial.print(total / numReadings);
if (total == 1023 * numReadings) {
Serial.println(" ----too hot----");
else {
Serial.print(" The temperature is ");
Serial.print(tempC, 2);
Serial.print(" Celcius ");
Serial.print(tempF, 1);
Serial.println(" Fahrenheit");
delay(1000); // use a non-blocking delay when combined with other code
Do I have a bad sensor or could I have wired something wrong??
Perhaps wrong wiring and wrong code.
You better use analog pins for analog readings. So change your code to:
int tempPin = A0;
int lightPin = A1;
and connect your sensors accordingly.
Some versions of the IDE accept also "0" instead of "A0" and "1" instead of "A1", but you will have to use the A0 and A1 pins for analogRead(), so better write A0 and A1 in the code, even if your IDE will (perhaps) also accept analogRead(0) instead of analogRead(A0) and analogRead(1) instead of analogRead(A1).
The programming example code is bad and relies on undocumented side effects with the analogRead() function.