Do I need crystal,caps,resstor,etc when migrating project to a proto/breadboard?


After I program my sketch and upload it the arduino and the project works using the board (ie. Arduino Uno) with components A, B, C, and D in my circuit connected to a breadboard which are connected to arbitrarily to the UNO board IOs.

Then I want to move the project completely away from the Uno board to a breadboard/protoboard and just use the atmega chip with components A, B, C, and D.

Can I just move the atmega and components A,B,C, and D to a breadboard/prototyping board wired the same was as when I used the Uno board?

Or do I need to add additional components like 16mhz crystal, 10k resistor and 2x 22 pf capacitors just like when bootloading a new chip?

Thank you very much.

Here is some help:

If the chip was set up to work in an Uno board, it will have its fuses set to expect a 16 MHz crystal oscillator attached. So yes, you need a 16 MHz crystal and 22 pF caps (or a 16MHz resonator).
The 10K pullup resistor is needed for stable operation, otherwise the part may reset unexpectedly.
You should also have 0.1uF (100nF) caps on the VCC, AVCC pins.
If you are using analogRead, then a 0.1uF cap is also needed from Aref to Gnd.

Thank you very much.
That really cleared it up for me. Appreciate it.