Do timer alarms work in the cloud

I have code with hw_timer_t type timers that works great for non cloud code. When I put the same code into a cloud sketch the timers seem to fire almost right away, no delay (some set for 30 minutes and for testing I drop them to 30 secs)
Are the hw_timer_t calls not usable in the cloud?

Make sure the cloud sketch sees the library containing hw_timer_t.

IIRC, that comes with the board library, besides, if it wasn't there would I not get a compiler error?

I do not know.

"Fire right away" seems like a timer has "reached T-zero" the time it was supposed to fire, but probably started as zero due to some missing code/connection, therefore, fired right away.

As far as I know, a missing library will throw a ton of errors, one for every reference to the missing library. The code executes, it's just that the timing is screwy, everything is short. BTW, this sketch works in a non-cloud environment hence my question re cloud.

Valid answer to your own question. BUT... you have a zero where a valid value should be. Imagine you have a line that reads, "theanswer = xfpd * mindreading" but either xfpd or mindreading is not defined (a.k.a. missing). Your code is not going to make xfpd valid, and your code is not good assuming, or mindreading either. Find the part of your code that gets all its input on terra firma, then compare where your cloud code gets its input. I'm sure the answer will blow your mind, in a good way. Probably a missing reference. [EDIT] If "theanswer = xfpd + midreading" you might get non-zero results, as anything multiplied by zero is zero, but addition is kind. I have seen and corrected entire countries' ability to pay their workers because of a non-referenced value... and after correcting it I got the usual, "well, ANYONE could have done that" ... so I wondered why they didn't do their own work, but asked me.[/EDIT]

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