Do you know any suppliers near Pittsburgh PA?

Hello, I live near the city of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and I've repeatedly searched for a electronics component supplier in the area. I've searched online and in person through hobby shops and trinket stores, but I cannot find a location that fits my needs. Therefore, If there is anyone the the Pittsburgh PA area, or anywhere else by the way, that knows of any unheard of, unlisted, or just unpopular store where I can purchase electronic components, please reply. Oh an d I'm not talking about Radio Shack(c) either..... ick :P...what a poor excuse. lol


if your looking for a persenally owned electronic shop, they are very rare.

even though radioshack rips everybody off, they still kill any buisness that other people start.
( example ):

2 led's
Radio shack | Online
1.29$ .20$

buy around 60 leds for around 6 bucks, and pay 6 dollars shipping, and you already save money, but as weird as it is, radioshack still destroys any buisnesses, and unknowledgable people pay quadrople what its actually worth...

so like i said, independent stores are hard to come across, and most will copy radioshack with slightly cheaper prices.

i suggest ordering a bunch of items on the net ( maybe 100$'s worth ) and then youll be set for a while, and for only 70 bucks, you can get all the resistors, capacitors, etc you need, and still got 30 bucks to buy anything else!

good luck for your search of a good store, and tell me if you find one because i sometimes am near that area, and will gladly buy from a store instead of the internet

Hey, finally someone in the pittsburgh area who messes around with electronics. I live north of Pittsburgh (about an hour) and thought there was no one in the area into electronics. AS for suppliers, unfortunatly I know of no good electronics suppliers in our area. There is a hobby shop at the Pittsburgh Mills, but it is only good for expensive servos. If I need a part quickly, The only place I know to go is radioshack. If I can wait, I like getting parts online from Sparkfun, Futurlec, and ebay. You can Pm me if you want to calloborate on an arduino or other electronic project. It would be nice to have a Pittsburgh area electronics club.

I live in Wilkes Barre Pa thats near Scranton and we don't have anyone around here besides radioshack aether your best bet is to order samples from oem's example: I just received 8, 8bit shift registers from Texas Instrument. But your only going to be able to get samples from oem's unless your planning on buying a couple hundred thousand pieces other wise you will need to go threw a distributer. Like....

Pennsylvania Philadelphia Arrow Electronics 800-777-2776
Pennsylvania Philadelphia Avnet 856-222-6400
Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Arrow Electronics 800-777-2776
Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Avnet (800) 321-6818
Pennsylvania Statewide Digi-Key (800) 344-4539
Pennsylvania Statewide Mouser Electronics (800) 346-6873
Pennsylvania Statewide Newark 1-800-4-Newark
Pennsylvania Statewide Rochester Electronics 978-462-9332

Most of the time i just hunt for junk (Old cell phones, radios, printers, scanners, toys, tv,s etc) i then remove all the parts with a soldering iron or a heat gun and i research all the parts. Then i keep what i want and aether giveaway what i don't or trade.

Hope that helps.

Hello fellow Pittsburghers,

I just started dabbling into electronics, esp. the Arduino. It will be great to have a local Arduino / hobby electronics club :smiley:


Did you ever find a Arduino support group or a group for electronics dabblers in the Pittsburgh area. I live in Pittsburgh in Point Breeze. I am definitely a newbie but I love to find a area group.



Has there been any activity with the Pittsburgh area? I like kernsy live an hour north of Pittsburgh and would like to be involved in an Arduino/Micro-Controller club.

Those guys do some Arduino and other electronics.