Do you like the new forum?

Highlight in the IDE what you want to post, then look in the EDIT tab for "Copy for Forum".
It will copy your code and add the tags automatically,
So next you just paste into your post.

Tom.. :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:


Wow, you can copy an image (e.g. screenshot) and past it here. No more saving / uploading file.

Hmm, I was a Shannon member since the first day that I joined the forum :smiley:

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No, I don't like new forum.

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[nobbc]your code here [/nobbc]

your code here 

Thanks Tom. That works. (You need to do an ordinary paste and not use the </> button).

Welcome to new world of (un)social media. Everything is mostly geared for smartphone use. I just looked at this thread on mine and is works well (even though I would very seldom go there).


No nobbc tags

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Editing old posts. I can't seem to edit anything of mine which has been migrated, even stuff from yesterday.

One of my posts has now a corrupted link. It is in the old format URL with the name: SITE MAINTENANCE . . .

I really like Discord and it's great to see Arduino upgrading to a more modern and user friendly system, folks don't like change but they'll get used to it.


The best improvement IMO is support for Markdown.

This can provide the missing [nobbc] functionality:

[code]your code here [/code]

I did that using a fenced code block:

[code]your code here [/code]

The syntax highlighting in fenced code blocks is cool:

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second

I agree, but I'd like to view any posts/threads full width of my screen.
That is why I got 15" laptop.
Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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Is it this issue?:

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As a former graphic designer, the reason for the narrow width constraint would be to reduce the length of lines, line length should be between 40-75 characters in a typical context.

In this case how would making the page wider actually improve the experience, you'd just have text that was on really long lines?


Maybe this is what you're looking for

In the screenshot at the right, "Unread (1)"

Not sure if this will be the same as the "updated topics" in the old forum or the same as the "unread" in the ild forum.

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If I click on your user name in above post, I can see the full post from where I took the quote.

So far it's been problematic with login. I've logged in at but if I then switch to the forum, I'm greeted as a new user and offered the opportunity to sign up.

Just tried using that and it works. Thanks for the link.


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I did click sign up and apparently that did log me in.

The new format looks modern and clean but it's very wasteful of screen space. Compared to the old one I can see far fewer topics at a time. (Safari 13.0.5).

I can see little point in showing the Avatars of the last few posters on a topic - so many of them are just a letter, so it justs wastes more space while telling me nothing.

Solved it, used the little used zoom on my touch screen.
Forum could use bigger font to fill the screen.

Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

I got a PM (all my messages seem to have disappeared - WTaF?) last Friday saying I could take a look at a preview of this new forum.
I couldn't login though, and I gave up on waiting for a login authorisation.

Meanwhile my feedback was that the information density of the new forum was (now is) poor. I stand by that assessment.

Using on my phone, scrolling through topics, I get really bad flicker top right.

Now that I can post, I can't find the editor formatting tools. I suppose we're all newbies again.

Progress - loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it.

That is it. I'm on Windows with Firefox. + click does work with such a link. The replacement label "Site Maintenance" is not nice but I guess that affects only links from yesterday.

The restriction on editing old posts I definitely don't like, though.

Anyway, have a "Like" for that!