June 10, 2017, 3:12pm
The page should mention the location of the preferences.txt file for the Arduino IDE when installed as a Windows App on Windows 10.
The location is:
Is this the right place for suggesting such updates to the website?
June 10, 2017, 5:05pm
The way it works is the people who can change these things don't read this forum section but I do and I try my best to relay issue reports or suggestions to them when appropriate. So it works out OK in the end and this gives the forum members a chance to review any reports or suggestions before they reach the developers.
I have reported it here:
opened 05:00PM - 10 Jun 17 UTC
closed 09:29AM - 15 Jun 17 UTC
Component: Documentation
The preferences locations documented at… ences are for Arduino IDE 1.0.x
The updated list:
- %LOCALAPPDATA%\Arduino15\preferences.txt (Windows, Arduino IDE 1.6.6 and newer)
- %APPDATA%\Arduino15\preferences.txt (Windows, Arduino IDE 1.6.0 - 1.6.5)
- %APPDATA%\Arduino\preferences.txt (Windows, Arduino IDE 1.0.6 and older)
- %HOMEPATH%\Documents\ArduinoData\preferences.txt (Windows app version)
- ~/Library/Arduino15/preferences.txt (Max OS X, Arduino IDE 1.6.0 and newer)
- ~/Library/Arduino/preferences.txt (Max OS X, Arduino IDE 1.0.6 and older)
- ~/.arduino15/preferences.txt (Linux, Arduino IDE 1.6.0 and newer)
- ~/.arduino/preferences.txt (Linux, Arduino IDE 1.0.6 and older)
- <Arduino IDE installation folder>/portable/preferences.txt (when used in portable mode)
Following the convention of, I used the Windows environment variables but these may be less user friendly.
Windows app version location reported at
Thanks for bringing this to our attention rsocol!
June 18, 2017, 9:30am
The page has now been updated. Thanks rsocol!