Documentation of Bridge Module on Python for Yun


Does anyone know where to find the documentation (of methods) of Bridge Module on python for Arduino Yun.?

I ask this because when I try help for any module on python , it always gives an error stating that there is no module named pydoc.

Thanks in advance

I've not found any official documentation for using the Bridge library with Python. My best information has been finding an occasional example on the web, and by looking at the source code in /usr/lib/python2.7/bridge/

"Use the Source, Luke!" :wink:

pydoc is not installed by default on the Yun (I assume because of limited space.) I don't know if it's available for installation, and even if it is, I would be very surprised if it contained any information on the Bridge library.

If there is something specific you are trying to do, let us know, and the odds are good that someone here has already done it.

Thanks ShapeShifter. :slight_smile:

Actually I was hoping to increase the speed of data transfer between the AVR core and the MIPS core.
My plan is to change the file. As you know when you do value.get on python side it opens and closes a socket for every transaction. I am hoping that If I write my own method which only open socket once in the beginning. Then we keep transfering data as needed and when we are done , then close the socket.

I am even not sure if this is going to work or not . That's why I wanted to review the documentation or something.

Thanks for any help in advance. :slight_smile:

Thanks ShapeShifter. :slight_smile:

Actually I was hoping to increase the speed of data transfer between the AVR core and the MIPS core.


this recent post by our SonnyYu may be of interest to you.

Bridge is slow, 4 trans/second. speed boost 21,950% from Bridge.

Best of Luck