Hey !!
Doing a project titled "smart cane for the blind"--mini project.Need help in obstacle detection with arduino and its interfacing with hc sr04...
We require a 10us on time pulse and close to 60 ms off time pulse for triggering..the sensor..
The sensor works upto 4m.....checked it...100%working
The above has been done on a normal microcontroller board and microcontroller has been programmed in assembly language in keil software...
and not on arduino board yet...(NO arduino board has been purchased yet..don't know which one to use with this sensor--HC-sr04)
Methodology of our project::::
USING HC SR04 ultrasonic sensor,,,obstacle is detected.Then
The user (blind person) obtains distance information through vibratory stimuli
which supplement the auditory stimulus coming from the environment
and those produced by tapping the cane. The device vibrates in distinct
patterns that vary with changing obstacle distance. The vibration
frequency increases incrementally according to changing obstacle distances.
The ranging algorithm will be optimized which allows detection
of fast approaching obstacles within 4m. In this situation the user
is warned by a buzzer tone.
Problem==Here in this project,, we dont want the distance calculation to be showed on the computer,instead,we want the obstacle to be sensed by the sensor and then a vibratory pattern is to be given to the visually impaired patient..
Our prof. said to use a frequency to voltage converter to convert the change in echo pulse width (frequency) to voltage or current so that u can drive the vibrator..
Is it the right way to move forward?If yes, then please let us know if arduino board directly converts the echo pulse output to voltage(analog or digital) ..mention some of the vibrators assembly that can be interfaced perfectly with the arduino board?What's the power required by an arduino board in watts as we want to run this unit of obstacle detection with a battery...Also guide us which arduinoboard (usb compatible)to buy for this project and what more components can be required with this arduino board. :~
p.S.:::wE have to fit the whole obstacle detection assembly in a detachable unit over the blind man's cane.So any compact setup or any otheridea to implement this with or without arduino is always welcome
PLEASE people..project deadline gonna over soon..help us..guide us
Thanking u guys in anticipation for a reply soon!