does Attiny84/85 support External interupts??

hello forum. does anyobodu know, if attiny84 and attiny 85 support external interupts the way atmega328 does??
(Attachinterupt(0,rising) )
if yes, how many?? and in what pins???

I would have to read the Attiny datasheet to figure this out so it probably makes sense if you do the reading to save me the trouble.

If there is something in it you don't understand I will be happy to help.


i have arledy done that, but i dont understand it ... :stuck_out_tongue:

in the interupts section it has a table that says :
external interupt : INT0
Pin change interupt : PCINT0
Pin change interupt : PCINT1
external interupt : INT0
Pin change interupt : PCINT0

so i suppose they both have only one external interupt???
what is the Pin change interupt then??

and more imporantly.... do i use them the same way as in arduino UNO??

Section 9.3.1 of the datasheet I have (which covers the -25, -45 and -85) describes the INT0 and shows that it can be programmed to respond to 4 conditions.

Section 9.3.2 says that the PCINT(5:0) pins can be set to trigger an interrupt when any one of the pins changes.

Section 9.3.4 explains how to specify which pin you wish to use for an interrupt.

I guess the high-level programming is the same as the Uno - you could write a short test sketch. If not you could program the registers as in the datasheet.


cool! thanks!

wtf. attinyt 84, 9.2 :
"Note that recognition of falling or rising edge interrupts on INT0 requires the presence of an
I/O clock, as described in “Clock Systems and their Distribution” on page 23. "

this means you need external clock, in order to dtermine time between pulses????

If you read the equivalent part of the Atmega 328 datasheet (Section 12) it seems as if it can be woken up with the INT0 pin. I'm guessing that you can't do that with the Attiny84 - the MCU needs to be running before interrupts are detected.
