Does not name a type error

Hello, I have started a program. Basically its multiple push button switches that act as toggle switches. The first button worked so I copy and pasted the code and edited the inputs and outputs but now I am running into an error 'newSwitchState' does not name a type. I am not sure what to do to remove the error. I have tried declaring multiple 'newSwitchStates' for each switch but that didn't work. Can somebody help me find the error?

const int buttonPin1 = 2; //The number of the pushbutton pin
const int buttonPin2 = 3; //The number of the pushbutton pin
const int buttonPin3 = 4; //The number of the pushbutton pin
const int buttonPin4 = 5; //The number of the pushbutton pin
const int buttonPin5 = 6; //The number of the pushbutton pin
const int buttonPin6 = 7; //The number of the pushbutton pin

const int ledPin1 = 8; //The number of the LED pin
const int ledPin2 = 9; //The number of the LED pin
const int ledPin3 = 10; //The number of the LED pin
const int ledPin4 = 11; //The number of the LED pin
const int ledPin5 = 12; //The number of the LED pin
const int ledPin6 = 13; //The number of the LED pin

//Variables will change:
int buttonState = 0; // Variable for reading the pushbutton status
boolean oldSwitchState=LOW;
boolean newSwitchState=LOW;
boolean LEDstatus=LOW;
void setup()
pinMode(2,INPUT); //Initialize the Pushbutton as an input
pinMode(3,INPUT); //Initialize the Pushbutton as an input
pinMode(4,INPUT); //Initialize the Pushbutton as an input
pinMode(5,INPUT); //Initialize the Pushbutton as an input
pinMode(6,INPUT); //Initialize the Pushbutton as an input
pinMode(7,INPUT); //Initialize the Pushbutton as an input
pinMode(8,OUTPUT); //Initiate the LED Pin as an Output
pinMode(9,OUTPUT); //Initiate the LED Pin as an Output
pinMode(10,OUTPUT); //Initiate the LED Pin as an Output
pinMode(11,OUTPUT); //Initiate the LED Pin as an Output
pinMode(12,OUTPUT); //Initiate the LED Pin as an Output
pinMode(13,OUTPUT); //Initiate the LED Pin as an Output

void loop()
newSwitchState = digitalRead(2); //Read the state of the Pushbutton Value:
//Check if the Pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH, if it is not, then the buttonState is Low.

if (newSwitchState != oldSwitchState)//Has the switch been closed
if (newSwitchState==HIGH)
if (LEDstatus==LOW) {digitalWrite(ledPin1,HIGH); LEDstatus=HIGH;}
else {digitalWrite(ledPin1,LOW); LEDstatus=LOW;}


newSwitchState = digitalRead(3); //Read the state of the Pushbutton Value:
//Check if the Pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH, if it is not, then the buttonState is Low.

if (newSwitchState != oldSwitchState)//Has the switch been closed
if (newSwitchStat1==HIGH)
if (LEDstatus==LOW) {digitalWrite(ledPin2,HIGH); LEDstatus=HIGH;}
else {digitalWrite(ledPin2,LOW); LEDstatus=LOW;}


newSwitchState = digitalRead(4); //Read the state of the Pushbutton Value:
//Check if the Pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH, if it is not, then the buttonState is Low.

if (newSwitchState != oldSwitchState)//Has the switch been closed
if (newSwitchState==HIGH)
if (LEDstatus==LOW) {digitalWrite(ledPin3,HIGH); LEDstatus=HIGH;}
else {digitalWrite(ledPin3,LOW); LEDstatus=LOW;}


newSwitchState = digitalRead(5); //Read the state of the Pushbutton Value:
//Check if the Pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH, if it is not, then the buttonState is Low.

if (newSwitchState != oldSwitchState)//Has the switch been closed
if (newSwitchState==HIGH)
if (LEDstatus==LOW) {digitalWrite(ledPin4,HIGH); LEDstatus=HIGH;}
else {digitalWrite(ledPin4,LOW); LEDstatus=LOW;}


newSwitchState = digitalRead(6); //Read the state of the Pushbutton Value:
//Check if the Pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH, if it is not, then the buttonState is Low.

if (newSwitchState != oldSwitchState)//Has the switch been closed
if (newSwitchState==HIGH)
if (LEDstatus==LOW) {digitalWrite(ledPin5,HIGH); LEDstatus=HIGH;}
else {digitalWrite(ledPin5,LOW); LEDstatus=LOW;}


newSwitchState = digitalRead(7); //Read the state of the Pushbutton Value:
//Check if the Pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH, if it is not, then the buttonState is Low.

if (newSwitchState != oldSwitchState)//Has the switch been closed
if (newSwitchState==HIGH)
if (LEDstatus==LOW) {digitalWrite(ledPin6,HIGH); LEDstatus=HIGH;}
else {digitalWrite(ledPin6,LOW); LEDstatus=LOW;}

ac_circuits_final2.ino (4.6 KB)

newSwitchState = digitalRead(3); //Read the state of the Pushbutton Value:

This line of code and many after it are not in a function. Check carefully where the loop() function ends

Auto formatting the code in the IDE shows up the problem

void loop()
  newSwitchState = digitalRead(2); //Read the state of the Pushbutton Value:
  //Check if the Pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH, if it is not, then the buttonState is Low.
  if (newSwitchState != oldSwitchState)//Has the switch been closed
    if (newSwitchState == HIGH)
      if (LEDstatus == LOW)
        digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);
        LEDstatus = HIGH;
        digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
        LEDstatus = LOW;
  oldSwitchState = newSwitchState;

newSwitchState = digitalRead(3); //Read the state of the Pushbutton Value:
//Check if the Pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH, if it is not, then the buttonState is Low.


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