Hi! I just got my Arduino and my computer doesn't register. It's not on the device manager, it's not anywhere. Could somebody please help?
Can you confirm that you have:-
a) Installed the latest Arduino IDE
b) Installed the FTDI drivers?
Unfortunately, yes, I have. Both.
Remove the FTDI driver and re-install. It is important that you do not let the operating system try to determine which USB-SERIAL adapter was inserted when you attach the Arduino.
Parallax has some good instructions for installing the right driver: http://www.parallax.com/tabid/530/Default.aspx
Keep in mind... you are looking for a new COM PORT in the hardware manager list.
Note: You attach the Arduino ONLY AFTER you have installed the drivers, not before.
You could also have a bad cable... it has happened to people that their USB cable was no good.
Got it working yet?