Does Rx and Tx pin in arduino receive data at the same time?

I am using serial communication for data exchange between my pc and arduino mega via serial. Arduino is currently communicating with IMU using Serial2. But I get frequent checksum error with IMU data as a message when I start to send data from my pc to the arduino. I am suspecting that it is caused by both RX and TX (serial0) being active at the same time.

My question is can mega receive and send data at the same time? I mean in Tx(serial0) and Rx(serial0) for one of the serial that it offers.
Because the oscilloscope shows that this happens. The picture is attached below.

My question is can mega receive and send data at the same time?

Yes, it can. This is done in hardware.

Maybe you should describe your hardware setup in more detail, post a wiring diagram and provide information about the wire lengths used. We might find a possible reason for your problems.

One other source of the problems might be the software, so post the complete code (don't forget to use code tags!).

Rx0 can receive while Tx0 is transmitting. Likewise for Rx1.

However the hardware part of Serial can only hold one character and if the Arduino Serial library does not collect it before the next character arrives the first character will be lost.

If you want more help please post your program.

Serial Input Basics - simple reliable ways to receive data.