I'm writing some code to transmit tinyGPS++ parsed GPS GNGGA values (longitude, latitude, altitude etc) but I'm having problems with the sprintf function
It seems when I have a lot of format specifiers %i %s %ld, etc the function doesn't replace all the % specifiers.
For example:
int lat_int = (int)GPS_Latitude;
int64_t lat_dec;
double decimalPart = fmod(GPS_Latitude,1);
lat_dec = decimalPart*1000000;
int lon_int = (int)abs(GPS_Longitude);
int64_t lon_dec;
double decPart = fmod(GPS_Longitude,1);
lon_dec = abs(decPart)*1000000;
sprintf(datastring, "$$RIC,%02d:%02d:%02d,%s%i.%ld,%i", GPS_Hour, GPS_Minute, GPS_Second, (GPS_Latitude < 0 ? "-" : ""), lat_int, lat_dec, lon_int); // Puts the text in the datastring
This works up until the "lon_int" which returns "0" instead of "-2" (from the longitude coord -2.345674)
However, when I do:
int lon_int = (int)abs(GPS_Longitude);
int64_t lon_dec;
double decPart = fmod(GPS_Longitude,1);
lon_dec = abs(decPart)*1000000;
sprintf(datastring, "%i", lon_int);
It works fine.
I tried make separate buffers (e.g datastring2 then using strcat to combine them) which works, but eventually, it seems to make the entire program unstable (by which I mean, it will stop transmitting the datastring without warning at some random point, say in 3 minutes or in 30 seconds, etc)
Does sprintf have a limited number of things it can process? Also unless I declare the lat_dec and lon_dec variables type int64 the "%ld" is replaced with a random number not remotely correct. My understanding is that a 6 digit number i.e 534688 (from the 52.534688 lat coord) should be in the int32 range? But... doesn't work using type int32.
Any ideas?